Income sector
A. Own source: Union tax, rate office
1. Upstate of the annual value of the house
3,00,000 / =
1. Establishment cost
2. Business, profession and livelihood
30,000 / =
A. Honorable Chairman and members
2,00,000 / =
3. Other taxes
B. Salary allowance of officers / employees
252,000 / =
4. License fee
C. Task revenue installation cost
60,000 / =
B. Government grants
D. Accessories
74,000 / =
1. Development sector
10,000,000 / =
1. Stationery
A. Like a roadblock / LGSP
12,00,000 / -
2. Miscellaneous
2. Installation
B. Development
60,000 / =
A. Chairman and members allowance
Construction work
A. Agricultural project
10,000,000 / =
Salary allowance of secretary and other employees
4,10,000 / =
3. Others
B. Healthcare system
2,00,000 / -
A. Transfer of land
600,000 / -
C. Road construction / repair / housing
15,00,000 / =
C. According to the local government
D. Education
6,00,000 / =
1. Money provided by the Upazila Parishad
C. Others
1,60,000 / =
2. Others
98.98 / -
A. Audit costs
B. Others
Incoming bill
5,75,6 / =
2,16,72 / =
In total
44,22,72 / =
In total
44,22,72 / =
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS